Monday, June 15, 2015

A Cart in Front of a Horse

I sometimes feel like I am trying to put a cart in front of a horse. I know it should be placed behind the horse, but occasionally I want the results faster than this silly horse can trot it's feet. My experiences with LinkedIn and job searching (combined with finishing school) are my cart and horse. My "horse" is my time needed to put into schooling, studying, and preparing for a new position out of college. I wish it would start moving itself along faster, but I also understand that at a certain speed, we will make it where our destination is anyway.

In speaking with a former professor a few days ago, he shared with me some valuable insights. I told him I was getting a little frustrated with not being able to find a new position within my academic field. (I have been looking for several months now, with no solid leads.) He then told me that it is because I am not finished with school that I haven't been able to find that beginning "dream job". He advised me that once I finish, I shouldn't have a problem finding anything. I work full-time and go to school full-time as well. "Not a lot of people can do that. Not a lot of people are as hard-working as you" he said. This made me feel good. Even though I have been feeling let-down by my job searches through LinkedIn, Twitter,, and others, it just might not be the right timing.

So I would like to ask you, my readers; what did you do when positioning yourself for the job market as you were sneaking up on the finish line? Did you put your cart in front of your horse, or did you let the horse travel the path and arrived at your destination?


  1. As hard as it may be Justin, let your horse lead the way! There is a time and season for everything and perhaps your "dream" job would be so great that it would take time away from your schooling. While you are waiting, keep looking out there. See what perspective employers are wanting, what they are looking for and do what it takes to position yourself so when you do get that job interview you will have a least the knowledge they are looking for.

    Take this time, get the knowledge and education that you need and enjoy this time because you will be working the rest of your life. Make sure it is the career to make you happy for the rest of your life and not just another job.

  2. Being patient is the key. If you push too hard, or rush in too fast, you make take a position you don't really want. Once you get out of school, it should get much easier. You'll be better positioned to talk to recruiters and hiring managers about the jobs. They may not want to hire you yet, because they know you are not done with your education and they simply want to see you finish.

    I don't know what you are looking to get into, but consider internships too. I wanted to get into law enforcement, but at the time I was looking, there was a hiring freeze at the city I lived in. So I joined the reserve program. I volunteered upwards of 18-20 hours a week, for almost four years before I was hired.

    It was a pain in the neck knowing I was putting in so much time, yet not getting paid for it. The payoff came when I was hired and put through the training, it was a breeze. I had gained significant experiential learning, that I sailed through the field training program and was on the street in no time. It took me three years to realize I got paid to have so much fun.

    So, pace yourself. You'll get there. Your enthusiasm to work will shine through when you get to the hiring process. Don't burn yourself out with frustration before you get out the door with your degree.

  3. When i went through college years ago i looked at the type of jobs that needed to be filled in the near future and too i didn't want to spend a lot of time in school so i went into Diesel mechanics, i worked in that field for over 20 years for Caterpillar now i am the program coordinator for the diesel program here at I.S.U. most if not all our students have gotten jobs and many have had many offers starting anywhere from 16 to 25 dollars an hour. I'm not saying your decision was wrong in what field you went in, I'm saying people just don't look at the tech programs because their programs are for people who are not smart enough to go to a 4 year program. I hope you find work and that you don't have to back to school to change fields or get a higher degree. Good luck and i hope Linkedin will help in the process.

  4. Hey, you have skills that are very valuable. I love your blog.
    You have more than the average Joe. Your insight is amazing. I know that when you are hired, your employer will realize your wealth of knowledge and you will go far. I can tell you are professional, focused and very easy to relate to. You are also wise. You put thought and compassion into your work.
    You will go far. Hang tight, the best is yet to come.

  5. Hey, you have skills that are very valuable. I love your blog.
    You have more than the average Joe. Your insight is amazing. I know that when you are hired, your employer will realize your wealth of knowledge and you will go far. I can tell you are professional, focused and very easy to relate to. You are also wise. You put thought and compassion into your work.
    You will go far. Hang tight, the best is yet to come.

  6. Justin,

    I would have to agree with everyone else's posts. Let the horse lead the way and everything else will follow. I can completely relate to working full-time and going to school full-time. I do it as well and it is definitely not easy to do, but it has showed me things about myself that I never knew. For instance I'm extremely good with time management and I'm self motivated and I'm sure it has also taught you things about yourself.

    I'm lucky enough to say that stated to work for an amazing organization right out of high school and have been able to develop a career there, so I never experienced the true struggle of finding a dream job. It seems like you have worked hard to get to where you are today and I'm sure soon enough you will land that dream job! :)
