Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Stop. Just Think About It.

  About ten years ago, I was introduced to "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. At that time, I was undereducated and didn't have the desire to learn or even really spend the time to think. What I mean is, I didn't care about self-improvement, and I hated reading above all. Today, I had the opportunity to go back and read this wonderful book. I read this because of some struggles I am experiencing in my life, and being able to maintain a positive attitude has been one of them.
  As I sat and read the advice Allen gives on your own thoughts and how they play out in your current circumstances, I was amazed. He says, "circumstance does not make the man, it reveals him to himself." He went on to talk about how we are currently in the situation and status of our own lives, and it is directly correlated with our own thoughts we feed our minds.
  Since reading this again, I am going to really try to incorporate positive thoughts into my everyday life, and see where it will take me. I know that having a positive outlook on life, circumstances, difficulties, and other situations we will be put in in the future, the thoughts will prepare our future actions in those situations. I hope to remember when faced with a difficult situation to just stop, and really think about it. Is being negative going to assist me in any aspect of my future? Are mean thoughts towards others going to help me grow relationships? No. Now it's time I focus more on my thought processes and watch the outcomes from here.


  1. Hey i like all the great quotes, there positive and uplifting, I have a quote in my office that reads " Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or of worldly possessions it's a mental attitude." People get so caught up in finding what or who can make the happy but each of us have to make that choice. One thing about this class it has opened up a lot of different ways to look for resources and ideas, all of which will help me learn and progress in life and in my teaching field.

  2. I find your post inspiring and I will have to read that book! Personally I'm a very positive person and have found that it has helped me advance my education and career. It may not always be easy to find the positive in a given situation, but if you are able to find it and focus on it you will have a much better outcome.

    At my current employment positivity is a huge part of our success. Most of everyone I work with has a high level of positivity, there is even a screening when you apply to make sure you meet the positivity requirement. I think it has helped because we all have great outlooks about change. I'm the first one to admit that even a positive individual has days where they are not so positive, but being around others at work with positivity it wears on you and before you know you are thinking positively again.

    I personally think that positivity is a choice. You will have to make this choice everyday that you wake up. How is your day going to be?
